I met Kaci and Frank in the Las Vegas airport. Within minutes we were best friends, within hours we had crazy stories to tell about our adventures and 2 days later I was invited to their upcoming wedding in Texas. That’s how travelers roll.

To be honest, it was not a totally concidental meeting at the airport. Our chance meeting started when I was sitting on a huge airliner in Detroit waiting for take off to Vegas for the yearly TravelCon – a convention of healthcare travelers. Social media was all a buzz about the convention with people coming into Vegas and looking to share cabs from the airport. I looked around my huge flight, which had hundreds of people on it and was just about to ask online if anybody was on the Delta flight from Detroit when I saw that somebody had just posted the same thing.
I commented on the post and looked around the flight to see if I could recognize the person who posted. I did not have to look far because the person who posted was sitting next to me. I was the aisle seat, she was the middle and her husband was the window. That’s how I met Becca and Josh. At the end of the flight they said that their friends, Kaci and Frank, could give us all a ride to the hotel. And that’s how I met Kaci and Frank; in the Las Vegas airport.
Fast forward 7 months and there we were all together; Kaci, Frank, Becca, Josh and myself all at Kaci and Frank’s wedding in the middle of Texas.
The wedding was a dream. The venue was filled with eclectic pieces from a wall constructed of logs to a lamp from “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” movie. Every corner of the venue was filled with something funky and beautiful.

The wedding was everything that a traveler could dream of: all of your friends and family getting together for a big party and celebration of your love. The guests started to arrive an hour before the ceremony just to talk and drink with the crowd. By the time that the bride and groom walked down the aisle we were all laughing and smiling from the memories that we were making.
Becca, Frank,Josh and me hanging out before the wedding
When Kaci and Frank said their vows their love was palatable in the air and their words were words of inspiration to me. Their love embodies marrying your best friend and I have no doubt that they will have a wonderful life as they grow old together.

Sitting in my chair for the 15 minutes of the ceremony was the longest that I sat all night at that wedding. Unlike other weddings where you get placed at a table and your fun can be determined by who is sitting next to you, their wedding consisted of a buffet of food and long tables with no seat assignment or requirement to sit for anything. The tables served a transient purpose as they were barely used by most guests, in fact I only sat down for a couple of minutes to eat my food. The rest of the time was spent dancing, talking and even roasting smores because YES there was a fire pit! Just when I thought it could not get any better a street taco truck showed up with late night treats and the DJ busted out some of the best Latino/American jams that I have heard at a wedding.

The wedding culminated with a sparkler send off for the bride and groom. Perfect ending to a perfect night!
Congrats again Kaci and Frank!!!
Cover Photo Credit: Micah Nunley
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Pleasure meeting you Julia!! Eloquently written piece!!!
Thank you!! It was a pleasure to meet you too!!!