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Ship Car to Hawaii: The Ultimate Guide for Travelers

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Going to Hawaii and don’t know what to do about a car? Maybe it makes sense to ship your vehicle to Hawaii. Since moving to Hawaii and back as a traveling therapist, the number one question I get from people about moving to and from the islands is, “What did you do with your car?”

Initially, when I moved to Hawaii for my first travel job, I left my car, which was ten years old, on the mainland and eventually sold it. After living in Oahu for several years, I ultimately bought a new car, which I then shipped to the mainland when I returned. Shipping my car from Honolulu to Oakland was difficult, and it took a lot of education to figure out the system.

’m happy to explain what you need to know to ship a vehicle to Hawaii now.

What You Need to Know to Ship a Car to Hawaii

You can ship a car to Hawaii from anywhere on the mainland.

However, the boats to Hawaii leave from ports on the West Coast, primarily Long Beach and Oakland. If you cannot get to those ports to drop off your car, ground transportation can assist in getting your vehicle to the ports.

Generally speaking, the further away you are from the ports, the more expensive it will be to ship your car to Hawaii. If you can drive to the port and drop off your vehicle, you will save a lot of money.

a picture of a cargo ship carrying cargo pods over the ocean

Which Cargo Boats Ship Cars to Hawaii?

First of all, it’s good to know which boats ship cars to Hawaii.

To get the most cost-effective deal on shipping your vehicle, it’s best to book directly with the cargo boat, drop the boat off at the dock, and pick it up yourself. This can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. The two cargo boat companies carry automobiles from the mainland to Hawaii and back:

  • Matson – mainland ports in Oakland and Long Beach
  • Pasha – mainland ports in Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, and Seattle

If you cannot drop your car off at one of the West Coast ports and pick it up in Hawaii, you’ll need to hire a third-party auto transport company to assist with ground transportation.

This is where things can get expensive. When I shipped my car from Hawaii to the mainland, I used a ground transportation company to assist with moving my car from Oakland to its final destination in the PNW.

How Much Does Shipping a Car to Hawaii from the West Coast Cost?

The rates to ship a car to and from Hawaii are dynamic and change. The costs are significantly less if you book transport directly with Matson or Pasha and handle drop-off and pick-up on your own. 

When I shipped my car with Mattson in 2023, I paid approximately $970 for a one-way trip on their vessel.

When writing this post, Matson reports that shipping a car to Honolulu from Oakland or Long Beach begins at $1,597. Shipping a car from Honolulu to Oakland or Long Beach begins at $1,020. Pasha reports rates to Honolulu from San Diego, Los Angeles, and Oakland starting at $1,600. Service from Seattle to Honolulu begins at $2,000 one way.

How Many Days Does Shipping a Car to Hawaii Take?

Transit times vary when shipping a car from the mainland to Hawaii. Matson reports it can take 9-24 days from car drop off to pick up. It took approximately three and a half weeks to get my car from Honolulu to my house in Northern California.

Depending on the sail date, you’ll need to drop your vehicle off at the port several days to even a week early for loading. Then, your car will spend close to a week sailing at sea. Finally, unloading your vehicle at the port takes several days to a week. 

What If You Need Ground Transport to Get Your Car to the Port?

If you cannot book car transport directly with Matson or Pasha and need your car picked up or dropped off, don’t fret; many car transportation companies will assist you.

I highly recommend getting quotes from multiple companies before you secure a transportation company. The difference between prices varies by HUNDREDS of dollars for the same services. 

I used Car Shipping Hawaii for my move. I dropped my car off at the port in Honolulu, and then they arranged ground transportation from Oakland to my final destination in Northern California. They had the lowest prices of any other shipping company for my needs, and their service was excellent; I had no issues with them. Other car shipping companies that assist with Hawaii moves include Hawaii Car Transport and Coastal Auto Shipping. I recommend getting multiple quotes because prices vary.

a picture of a gray Mazda on a beach in Hawaii

What Else Do You Need to Know about Shipping Cars to Hawaii?

When shipping between the California ports and Hawaii, you cannot have personal items in your car. You may only keep your spare tire, jack, and up to 2 car seats in your car.

Your vehicle goes through a thorough inspection at the port, so make sure you clean all personal belongings out of your car before you drop it off at the port. I’ve been told that cars get rejected from inspection if they are too dirty. So make sure you clean all of the junk out of your vehicle and give it a cleaning.

Also, if you are shipping your car FROM HAWAII TO THE MAINLAND, you need to provide proof of ownership (title) to get your vehicle on the boat. This is Hawaii state law.

If you have a loan on your car, you’ll need to contact your loan servicer to get a letter that shows the lien holder’s information and gives permission to put it on the boat. I highly recommend doing this as soon as possible. It took me several weeks and multiple calls to different people to secure my letter from my loan servicer. 

Final Thoughts on Shipping Cars to Hawaii

Shipping a car to Hawaii is a costly undertaking. If you are a traveling healthcare professional who only goes to Hawaii for a few months, I recommend renting a car while on the islands. If you are moving for a year or longer, invest in shipping your vehicle. Anticipate a minimum of $1,600 one-way to ship your vehicle. If you come from anywhere other than Southern California or the Bay Area, that price may be $3,000-$5,000. Also, the transit time may take upward of a month.

If you are want to explore different types of transportation on Hawaii, check out this post: What Do I Do For Transportation in Hawaii?

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